Monday, December 6, 2010

People : Multiple Choice :
What was the home town of Hannah and Elkanah ?
(a) Shiloh ; (b) Gezer; or (c) Ramah.
Ramah ( 1 Sam. 1: 19 ).
Its longer name, Ramathaim Zophim ( v, 1 ), distinguished it from other towns with the same or similar name.
Multiple Choice :
Who was the priest at Shiloh when Samuel was brought to him to grow up in the house of the Lord ?
(a) Hophni ; (b) Eli ; (c) Eliab.(b) Eli (1 Sam. 1: 25 ).
Eli was a godly man but did not rebuke his son's evilness. His line was removed from the priesthood ( 1 Sam. 2: 30 - 36 ).


  1. Some of those names of the cities are sure tongue twisters..we used to say..big word..big word..:)

  2. Like Connie, I can remember trying to read these verses in Sunday School and not knowing how to pronounce some of the words.
    Hope you are staying warm Patsy.
