Friday, November 26, 2010

People: Multiple Choice:
Whose rod of the rods of the twelve houses of Israel sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds to confirm the divine call of the priesthood ?
(a) Moses; (b) Aaron's; (c) Eleazar's.
(b) Aaron's (Num. 17:8).
This was against Korah's attempt to take the priesthood for himself.
True or False ?
Except for Joshua and Caleb, none of the 603,550 Israelites numbered at Sinia by Moses and Aaron were among the 601,730 numbered by Moses and Eleazar in the plains of Moab across from Jericho.

True (Num 26 :64 ,65 ).
All the other men over the age of twenty when the spies gave their cowardly report had died in the wilderness.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Patsy, I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving. We had rain overnight and it is much cooler today. I am happy to be inside away from the crowds and out of the traffic. Enjoy your day and thanks for sharing the Bible questions/answers.
