Friday, November 19, 2010

People: Multiple Choice:
1. Which sons of Aaron offered profane fire before the Lord and were devoured by fire from the Lord because of it ?
(a) Eleazar and Ithamar; (b) Eleazar and Abihu; or (c) Nadab and Abihu.
(c) Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10: 1, 2 ).
They lost there lives for worshiping God in a way other than He had directed. The seriousness of their offense stems from their role as priests, who were to preserve the purity of Israel's obedience.

Fill in the blank:
2. The tribe of _____ was not numbered among the children of Israel when Moses took the census of all males twenty and over.
Levi (Num. 1 :47).
The census determined the fighting force of Israel. The Levites were to care for the tabernacle and the ritual worship, not to engage in warfare (v. 50 ).


  1. To think...we will be in heaven with these Old Testament saints...=)

  2. Good Morning Patsy, I am just catching up after spending yesterday driving to Atlanta. Hope you and Bennie have a nice Saturday. It's kinda chilly here today - 38 degrees!

  3. So glad Far Side you are hanging in there with

    Yes Maggie Ann that will be something to look forward to

    Hi Mildred, been thinking about you and John. It is cold and damp and very foggie here this morning.
