Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Places and People: Multiple Choice 1. What did Jacob name the place where he dreamed about the ladder reaching from earth to heaven ?

(a) Luz; (b) Bethel; or (c) Gerar.

(b) Bethel (Gen.28:19)

The place had been called Luz, but Jacob called it Bethel ("House of God") because God had appeared to him there.
Multiple Choice: 2. Who gave his first-born daughter as wife to Jacob, instead of the younger sister whom Jacob was working for ?
(a) Laban; (b)Abimelech;or (c) Nahor.
(a) Laban (Gen. 29:25,26 ).

Laban was Rebekah's brother (v 10). Rebekah sent her son to her brother's house while Esau wanted to kill him (28:2).

1 comment:

  1. that first painting is such a beautiful illustraton of that passage. thank you for being faithful to keep readers in the Word!!
