Friday, October 22, 2010


People and Places: Fill in the blank:
1. "In the beginning ---------created the heavens and the earth."
Multiple choice:
2. Who was hovering over the face of the waters when God began His creative act?
a. The Spirit of God;
b. Lucifer;
c. Michael the archangel.
1. God (Gen. 1: 1)
2. a.The Spirit of God (Gen. 1: 2


  1. Patsy,

    I like the format of your new blog although looks like I will have to have my Bible nearby. Glad you are posting again.

  2. Hi Patsy..Great looking new blog..we can all use reminders of Bible verses and God's Grace! :)

  3. This is a beautiful blog Patsy. Thinking of you.

  4. This Bible Questions and Answers book
    By Thomas Nelson Publishers.
    Has been my choose to use as a tool to study with groups for knowledge of the Bible.
