Friday, October 28, 2016

God Is Grace

Giving: Gimmick or Grace

Giving is an expression of worship that commemorates God's
grace. Grace is all that God can do for man and still be consistent
with His own character. We  are saved by grace, we live by His grace,
and we give by His grace. Grace giving meets divine standards and 
glorifies God. Grace giving requires the filling of the Holy Spirit and
reflects grace orientation, Bible doctrine resident in the soul, and virtue
love. Without these spiritual motivations, giving has no spiritual value.
All too often Christian giving is coerced by guilt, emotionalism, or peer
pressure. Two chapters in 2 Corinthians are the most extensive passages
of Scripture on the concept of giving. This book focuses on these chapters
which present aspects of God's grace, define correct motivation and mental
attitude for giving, and illustrate grace giving in the early church.

Book By R. B. Thieme Jr

God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power,
love and self-discipline.
2 Tim. 1:7

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Our Commander

Follow The Colors
Down through the ages, military organizations employed
various types of flags, or "colors", around which soldiers could
rally amidst the confusion of combat. The battle cry, "Follow the
colors!" became the command to strike a mortal blow against the
enemy, to fight and attain the high ground---the place of victory.
Jesus Christ, the Supreme Commander, leads His battalions into
spiritual warfare. He unfurls the regimental colors of Bible doctrine
and calls for the royal regiment of the family of God to follow.With
knowledge of Bible doctrine resident in the soul, the believer charges
onto the battlefield of the angelic conflict. Wherever the colors lead, the
believer who follows will secure spiritual victory on high ground and 
accrue fantastic rewards in eternity.

Book By R. B. Thiene Jr

I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 
"Do not fear; I will help you."
Isa. 41:13

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Designed Just For You

The Faith-Rest Life

Faith-rest is the life of peace designed for you as a believer in
 the Lord Jesus Christ. This life is characterized by a moment -
by-moment tranquillity, happiness, and stability. But how can
you have this perfect rest when you are surrounded by pressure,
adversity, and disaster? God wants you to do only one thing----
trust Him! Believe His Word! Mix the promises from the Bible
with faith! If you trusted Him for the greatest thing He could 
ever provide---salvation, then you can trust Him for the lesser
things----solutions to your problems. When you use the faith-
rest technique, you stand on the solid ground of the Word of God.
 Bible doctrine becomes a living reality in every experience. No
matter what happens to you, no matter how difficult your problems,
you have " the peace of God which passes all understanding."

The Faith-Rest Life
Book By R.B. Thieme Jr

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it 
and are safe.
Prov. 18:10

Friday, October 21, 2016

A Slender Thread

Dying Grace
Life hangs by a slender thread that can be snapped at any moment.
Does that thought frighten you? Cause you dread and panic?  God
did not design dying to be horrible or frightening for the believer in
the Lord Jesus Christ. To the contrary, God designed your dying 
moments to be the best, the sweetest part of living. In dying grace,
He graciously supplies every need to make this a time of supreme
happiness and tranquillity, as you anticipate meeting the Lord of
Glory face to face. Your dying moments are highly valuable to God
because they are His final opportunity to honor His infallible Word in
your soul. Bestowing dying grace demonstrates His divine approval.
With Bible doctrine, you appreciate all the fantastic blessings of
dying grace so that your dying moments are glorifying to God.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr.

 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord is
my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.
Isa. 12:2

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Confidence In God

Divine Guidance
Is the doctrine of determining God's will for your life. God
guides you by communicating His  will through divine revelation.
No believer can know or do the will of God apart
from knowing the Word of God. The Bible reveals numerous
 mandates that universally declare what the will of God is and
is not for every believer. The other intentions God has for your
individual life that are not directly stated in Scripture must be
determined from Bible doctrine in your soul. From the application
of Bible doctrine you will resolve what God  wants you to think, 
what He wants you to do, and where He wants you to go. Spiritual
growth and maturity supply confidence that you will know God's
design at any time and under every circumstance of life.

Book By R. B. Thieme Jr.

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Eliminate Misery

Christian Suffering
Presenting the biblical perspective on suffering. Why do 
Christians experience pain, distress, and grief ? How does
God convert cursing into blessing ? These questions are 
answered in detail from the Scriptures. Understanding God's
reasons for suffering equips the believer to handle adversity.
He learns to identify and eliminate self-induced misery, which
is by far the most common from of human anguish. He also
learns to avoid divine punishment. Most important, he begins
to comprehend the  powerful assets God has given him for 
solving problems. Consistent use of these invisible problem-
solving devices under pressure accelerates his spiritual growth
and glorifies God to the maximum. No suffering in life is too 
great for the plan of God. The Christian must possess a thorough
understanding of suffering to persevere under pressure and advance
to spiritual maturity.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr.

God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted 
beyond what you can bear. But when you are 
tempted, He will also provide a way out.
1 Cor. 10:13

Friday, October 14, 2016


Christian Life Books

Christian Integrity

The strength of the advancing believer. Integrity means 
wholeness of character, consistency of word and deed,
uncompromising adherence to a code of  values. Christian
integrity comes from living by the Word of  God. Each
biblical command for the believer reveals an aspect of
God's grace, but all His grace provisions function together
as a single system of power and love. By understanding God's
plan as an integrated system, the believer can adhere to all God's
mandates. He can avoid distortions  that come from taking favorite
biblical principles out of  their doctrinal context. No part or parts of
God's system will function effectively if isolated from the system as
a whole. The  believer who lives within God's system of power and
love has Christian integrity.

Book By R. B. Thieme Jr

God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches
in Christ Jesus.
Phil. 4:19

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Christmas Birth

The Night Before Christmas

This poem by R.B. Thieme, Jr. portrays the magnificent 
message of the first Christmas. To further illuminate the
noble purpose for the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, "seven
truths" are recounted from Luke 2:7-20. This Christmas 
treasure is a small booklet, ideal for enclosure in Christmas
cards and gifts.

Pocket-sized booklet

R.B. Thieme Jr Bible Ministries
P.O. Box 460829
Houston, Texas 77056-8829
(713) 621-3740

No charge for any material from R. B. Thieme Jr Bible Ministries 

Arise, shine; for your light has come! The glory
of the Lord is risen upon you.
Isa. 60:1

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Your Ability

A Matter of Life & Death

Until this moment you may not have been aware that you
were born under a sentence of death. You  may think of
yourself as a "good person" and feel that God would never
condemn you. But you are guilty, helpless to save yourself
from this death penalty. There is no ability you possess or
any work you can perform to redeem yourself. Only God 
can provide the way of eternal life. This  Gospel booklet
presents the plan of salvation for the unbeliever.

By R.B. Theme Jr
(Pocket--sized booklet)

For In Him All Things Were Created
things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether
thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been
created through Him and for Him
Colossians 1:16

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Present

God's Perfect Gift

Have you ever received a beautiful Christmas present, only
to be disappointed? Even if the gift is just what you wanted,
the pleasure is fleeting. Yet , God  has given you an eternal 
gift that will never disappoint--- a gift not just for Christmas
or special occasions, but for every day. This perfect gift is the
unique Person of the universe--- the Lord Jesus Christ, who
as our substitute sacrifice on the cross for all the sins of all
mankind. If you accept God's perfect gift, you will possess the
 greatest gift in all the world: eternal salvation and a permanent
relationship with God in time and eternity. "For God so loved
the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
Pocket-sized booklet
By R.B. Thieme Jr.

I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in
Your salvation.
Ps. 13:5

Monday, October 10, 2016

A Frantic Search

The Pursuit of Happiness

Scripture declares King Solomon "greater than all kings of 
the earth in riches and wisdom."

Somewhere along the lines, Solomon forgot the divine source
of his prosperity. A great emptiness came into his life as he turned
away from the Lord, and he embarked on a pursuit of  happiness
to fill the spiritual void. Out of Solomon's frantic and fruitless search
comes a compelling  message for us: the message of the "apes and 
peacocks." The peacock with his strutting finery and the ape with his
power represent every amusement, every diversion, every possible
attempt to find happiness apart from the plan of God. As Solomon
eventually discovered only through fellowship with God and the pursuit
of His Word can the believer attain stability, contentment of soul, and a
true and enduring happiness.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for 
He is right beside me.
Ps. 16:8

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Free Or Bondage

Slave Market of Sin
We think of ourselves as free, but we are born in an inescapable
slavery--- bondage to sin. As members of the human race we exist
in a slave market of sin, helpless to redeem ourselves. We enter the
world with a sin nature, separated from God and powerless to establish
a relationship with Him. We have no way to emancipate ourselves from
the captivity of our inherited depravity. However, the gracious plan of
God for mankind calls for a savior, a redeemer--- the Lord Jesus Christ --
to purchase our freedom from the slave market. Christ is the only person
qualified to make such a purchase. The only requirement for eternal release
from the slave market of sin is faith alone in Christ alone.

Book By R.B. Thieme Jr

The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in Him, and
I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him
in song.
Ps. 28:7

Thursday, October 6, 2016

He Will Give You Knowledge And Wisdom

The Plan
Consistent spiritual growth from Bible doctrine in your
soul creates capacity for life, for love, for Christian service,
for blessing, for happiness. God has devised the design of the
ages, the perfect plan for you personally. All you have to do
is understand His  gracious offer and seize the incomparable
opportunity for a life of meaning, purpose, and definition.

If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously
to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Absolute Truth

The Plan Of God
Reveals God's provision for your salvation, His purpose
for your existence after salvation, and the treasures He has
waiting for your eternal future in heaven. The moment you
believe in Christ you immediately share His  life and destiny.
But to attain the wonderful peace, happiness, and contentment
God has planned for your life on earth, you must learn Bible
doctrine and grow to spiritual maturity. The  Bible  communicates
God's Word  so that absolute truth becomes the measure of your
conscience, the source of your thinking, and the motivation of your
life. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and armed with Bible doctrine,
you can fulfill your destiny to glorify God. You can receive the 
highest and best He has provided.

Book by R. B. Thieme Jr

The Lord's plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.
Ps. 33:11

Monday, October 3, 2016

Positive Volition

Answers the questions, "What about those who have never 
heard the good news of salvation? What about primitive 
peoples who live far beyond the frontiers of civilization
and speck in obscure languages? What about those in any
 civilization or culture who have never had the chance to hear
the Gospel? "The reality is, God never overlooks the positive
volition of anyone. He provides abundant evidence by which
every individual can become aware of His existence. He over-
comes every obstacle to disseminate the Gospel to those who
seek Him. No one is hidden from His grace. His  divine
attributes guarantee the provision of Gospel information
 "even to the remotest part of the earth."

Book By R. B. Thieme Jr.

God's word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Ps. 119:105

Sunday, October 2, 2016

We Have The Messiah

The Blood of Christ

Links the New Testament with the Old Testament. God ordained
animal sacrifices in Israel to foreshadow the saving work of the 
promised Messiah, and for hundreds of years, the innocent animal
symbolically bore the guilt of sinner. When Christ came as the reality,
the promise was fulfilled. He became "the Lamb of God who takes away
 the sin of the world." For some believers, however, the blood of Christ
 has been associated with a lifetime of emotional experiences. They have
grown up with the idea that there was a special power in red liquid that
circulated through Jesus' mortal body. This mysticism is not biblical! The
 "blood of Christ" is a metaphor for His spiritual death in which He  received
the judgment that removed the penalty of sin.
Book By R. B. Thieme Jr.

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Matt. 6:34


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Salvation Books

The Barrier

Is impassable and insurmountable, No human  being can break
though this obstruction. Mankind is born on the wrong side of
the barrier, hopelessly separated from any relationship with God.
God always knew that man through his negative volition would
alienate himself from his Creator, so in eternity past God the
Father designed a perfect plan to remove the barrier. He sent His
Son, Jesus Christ , to be judged for our sins on the cross, to bring
man from enmity to peace with God. And yet, even through Jesus
Christ removed the barrier, your relationship with God depends
on you. Only one issue remains: What do you think of Jesus Christ?
Only one decision separates you from God. If you believe in Christ,
you cross the line of separation and receive God's gift of eternal life.

There is NO charge for any material from R. B. Thieme, Jr.
Bible Ministries. Anyone who desires Bible teaching can
receive our publications and recordings without obligation.
God  provides Bible doctrine. We  wish to reflect His grace.

R.B. Thieme, Jr, Bible Ministries
Post office Box 460829
Houston, Texas 77056-8829